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Bike Commuting for Non-Morning People
August 16 2017
Bike Commuting for Non-Morning People
Though bike commuting requires some preparation, it’s a great way to fit in daily exercise and enjoy the beauty of the Seacoast. It can also wake you up in the morning!
Preparing to Bike Commute
In order to have a streamlined commute in the morning, here are several things to prepare the night before and some items to leave at the office.
- Clothing
In the evening, check the weather for the next day and pick out an outfit accordingly. Pack this in a backpack so it is ready to go for the morning. Lay out your biking clothes as well.
Keep a few pairs of shoes at the office as well, to decrease the weight of your bag. This also allows for one less item to think about when packing.
- Food
If you pack your lunch, get it ready the night before so you can throw it in your bag in the morning.
If your rushed for time in the morning, have a quick breakfast like yogurt or cereal before biking and have a snack when you arrive at the office.
- Shower (or not!)
Do you have a shower at your office? Keep some travel size toiletries at work for easy access (and one less thing to remember!). If not, a wet washcloth or baby wipes can do wonders.
Bike Commuting Can Help Make You Seem Like a Morning Person
Biking to work can be challenging, but it allows you to be active and focused and combat the urge to stay in bed. All it takes is a little preparation!
If you would like to find a bike commuting buddy or need help finding a bike route, contact arugg@commuteSMARTseacoast.org.