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Bike/Walk to Work Week May 12-16!
May 5 2014
Time to jump on your bike or lace up your sneakers for the 12th annual Seacoast Bike/Walk to Work Week ! Part of a national effort to encourage commuters to leave their cars at home and have more fun getting to work, Bike/Walk to Work Week features the Seacoast Corporate Commuter Challenge, a CylingSavvy course, free commuter breakfasts, and an award celebration on Friday, May 16th.
Free breakfasts will be held throughout the Seacoast, including locations in Dover (Dover Cyclery and Philbricks Sports), Durham/UNH (Murkland Courtyard, Exeter (bandstand), Kittery (Kittery Family Practice, across from Loco Coco’s), Newmarket (The Bike Factory on Main St.), North Hampton (Gus’ International Bike Shop), Pease (Grill 28 at the golf course), Portsmouth (Popover’s), Rye (Rye Public Library) and Stratham (Timberland). While most commuters enjoy just one breakfast, some hearty cyclists ride the Tour de Breakfast and stop at all of them.
To add some friendly competition during Bike/Walk to Walk Week, the Seacoast Corporate Commuter Challenge encourages employers to compete to see who can have the most employees participate. Companies compete based on their size.
For more information, go to www.seacoastbikes.org.