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Loftware Sweeps Pease B2B Commuter Challenge

October 28 2014

Winning Team Loftware co-captains Glen Sansoucie and Lauren Grant with CEO Bob O'ConnorLy9zY29udGVudC1hLmNkbmluc3RhZ3JhbS5jb20vaHBob3Rvcy14YXAxL3Q1MS4yODg1LTE1LzEwNTQzMDM4XzMyMDQxNzQ3ODEzMDExMl8xMzMzNzI0MDM5X2EuanBn[1]10703496_722601794494301_5370523257381572867_n[1] Team Loftware won in  all three categories – Most Sustainable Trips, Most Team Spirit, and Most Social Media Buzz – in the Pease B2B Commuter Challenge!

LTC Partners came in second in the Most Sustainable Trips category.

The first ever commuter challenge at Pease included 160 participants from nine companies.  They logged 1,148 sustainable trips totaling 20,836 miles!   A great effort by all!