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More on Bike/Walk to Work Week
May 15 2014
Now that I’ve taken the excellent CyclingSavvy course this week, I feel more comfortable cycling to work on my narrow Maine road, through busy downtown Dover, and across the Spaulding Turnpike with scary off/on ramps and lane changes. Then of course there are the hills and 20 mile RT commute. Hmmm. Maybe I need some more spinning classes and some coaching from Paul Hafford…my friend who is my age (let’s just say over 55) and commutes by bicycle 40+ miles a day.
So I haven’t earned a free breakfast for tomorrow’s Bike to Work Day, but will be helping out at the new Kittery breakfast site, generously sponsored by York Hospital. Looking forward to greeting the cyclists going to the Shipyard or elsewhere and my favorite MD, Trevor Bradon, who bikes everyday to Kittery Family Practice!
Kudos to all the Seacoast bicycle commuters who left their cars home this week!!