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NHPR – Pain at the gas pump: Granite Staters feel the local impact of global energy market shifts by Pain at the gas pump: Granite Staters feel the local impact of global energy market shifts New Hampshire Public Radio | By Mara Hoplamazian Published March 12, 2022 at 6:44 AM EST
March 21 2022
Gas was $4.29 per gallon at the Concord Mobil Kathie Ricker pulled up to on Tuesday afternoon.
Like many Granite Staters, Ricker has felt the local impacts of global shifts in energy markets. On Tuesday, the sticker price of gas hit record highs across the United States, as crude oil prices surged in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Ricker has been sharing her car with her daughter to manage expenses, and she said the two of them let the tank get pretty low before filling up. But, she said, she’s willing to pay higher prices to support Ukrainian citizens during the war.
Read the full article on NHPR’s website.