The Commute Smart B2B Challenge invites all employers in Seacoast NH to compete for the honor of having the smartest, greenest commuting workforce.
There are great prizes, social media buzz, and the exhilarating thrill of victory!


Anyone who works for a Seacoast NH employer that has signed up for the Challenge can enter. If your company hasn’t signed up yet, contact your HR Director or arugg@commuteSMARTseacoast.org.


1. Register online here. You will see the name of your company in the “Employer” drop-down menu.
2. . Log your “smart” commute trips here. You may want to favorite this page in your browser.
3. Share your experience smart commuting on social media, using the hashtag #CommuteToWin and your company name.

• Save serious money and reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle
• Receive a free gift when you log your first trip and a coffee gift card at the end of the Challenge
• Enjoy the excitement of friendly competition
• Get brownie points at work for your team spirit
• Feel good about helping the environment by reducing traffic

Awards will be given to the winning teams in five categories:
• Most sustainable trips
• Most social media buzz
• Most team spirit
• Most improved team
• Most new smart commuters


bike icon - teal

To find a biking buddy, click here.  For general information about bike commuting, click here.

caricon     To find a carpool buddy, click here

bus graphic     For bus information, click here.

Or contact Anne Rugg,Manager of commuteSMARTseacoast. arugg@commuteSMARTseacoast.org 603-953-3176

For assistance in signing up or general questions, contact your team captain.


1) How do I register?

Click here and fill out the fields.  In the “employer” drop down menu, click on your company.  You will receive an automatic welcome email and you’re good to go!

2)  Where do I log my trips?
Go to the “Commuter Challenge” button located on the commuteSMARTseacoast home page.

3) Where do I find my team’s ranking?

Click on the “Log Your Trips/Leaderboard” button on the Commute Smart B2B Challenge Landing Page, then click on the Leaderboard button.  This will show you were your team stands.  If you click on your team name, you will see the details within your team.

4) Why do you count trips, not miles, for winning?
The goal of the Challenge is to reduce the number of people driving alone to work. Someone walking half a mile to work is just as important as a carpooler who drives 25 miles!

5) Do I have to log my commute twice a day?
You only have to make one log entry per day. We assume you went home!

6) What if I carpool in and take the bus home, or put my bike on the bus and ride the rest of the way?
Enter the trip as “multi-modal”.

7) What if I carpool to an all day, off-site meeting?
It only counts if you meet your colleagues off-site. If you drove alone to work, then carpooled, that’s great, but it didn’t reduce a drive alone to work trip.  If you drove alone to an all day meeting, that doesn’t count.

8) How do you calculate who wins the “Most Sustainable Trips” award?
We take the total number of employees in the company (not just those who are participating) and divide that by the total number of trips logged. That gives a per capita (per person) count, which is a very accurate and fair measure of the relative percentage of trips per person in a company.

If we simply used total trips, a larger employer would have an unfair advantage over a smaller one. If we used the total number of employees participating, there’s no incentive for as many people as possible to try or increase their frequency of smart commuting.  We are simply trying to level the playing field.

9) Do weekend trips count?
Yes if they are work or school trips.

10) Why does working from home count?
A teleworker is “commuting” sustainably because he or she is taking a car off the road by working from home. Teleworkers are eligible if they live within a reasonable commute to their work site and could otherwise drive.

11). I missed signing up before the start-date. Can I still participate?

Absolutely!  Every smart commute trip helps your team, your pocketbook, your well-being.